
Students in school
Seniors taking Digital Media have been working on the new website for the past two months. They were responsible for picking the design and layout, updating all of the pages, and taking new pictures. These students will continue to keep the website current and easy to use.
Austin Clegg
Austin Clegg was named as Student of the Month for December for grades 7-9th!
Riley Hutton
Riley Hutton was named as Student of the Month for December for grades 10-12th!

Fun Facts ABOUT US


Glendale's music department has received the NAMM award in 2023 and 2024!

When we started

Glendale came to be in 1969!


Every classroom has a Newline Board and every student has a chromebook to use for school!

College Classes

Glendale offers many dual enrollment courses and two AP courses!


Glendale offers many sports: Football, Basketball, Volleyball, Baseball, Softball, Wrestling, and co-op Soccer and Track with Cambria Heights!


Glendale offers 15 clubs, including; SADD, SWPB, Student Council, FCA, and Science Club!